Child Care & Children in Worship

“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”  Matthew 19:14


We follow Safe Sanctuaries guidelines


Our Main Nursery Room

Our Main Child Care/Sunday School Room



Infant Nursery

Our infant nursery is available for children up to two years of age during worship.

The facility has a crib, a changing table, and age appropriate toys.

A gate separates the infant nursery from the main child care/Sunday school room


Our Infant Nursery

Our Infant Nursery


Child Care

Child care is available during worship for children up through second grade.  During the school year, there is a Sunday school class for the children after Children’s Time.

Children may go to the child care/Sunday school room following the Children’s Time.


Our Main Nursery Room

Our Main Child Care/Elementary Sunday School Room


Worship Bags

Worship bags are available for children to use in the sanctuary during the worship service.

The bags include blank paper, colored pencils, a regular pencil, and a stuffed animal. Occasionally there are copies of Pockets magazine in the bag.

Paper projects and Pockets magazine may be taken home.  There is a shelf of children’s books at the back of the sanctuary that may be read during worship.