“Fall Back?”   Not a Chance!!


If you’re like me, you probably have memorized that little phrase that helps us keep straight in our minds how daylight saving time works: “Spring forward, fall back.”  Now, “fall back” is a term that has several applications in our contemporary culture, most of them having to do with the idea of ceasing to move ahead – ceasing to make progress.  I started thinking about this phrase the other day as I was reflecting on the fast-approaching end of summer and our return, here at Klamath Falls First UMC, to our fall schedule.   Normally, one thinks of the summer season as a “down” time – a time when “not much is going on.”  That’s often the case in church settings, when volunteer leaders and workers take a well-deserved and much-needed break from their busy routines.  But this summer has been anything but “down” here at KFFUMC!  Have you stopped to reflect on all that has been happening around your church this summer?


Let me share with you just some of the wonderful things that have happened during these “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer:”

  • Our transition from the much-appreciated leadership of Pastor Robin to Pastor Phil took place, and the hard work and prayers of our Church Council and lay volunteers who led worship during July made this time of leadership change happen as smoothly as we could have hoped. The small group introductory sessions have helped us start to get to know one another quickly, and in a comfortable setting. Thanks to all of you who have hosted one of these sessions – and to all who have participated!


  • Our PALM meals have continued to serve the community through the summer months, and God has continued to provide the needed volunteers to help serve, even through summer “vacation times!” We praise God for this vital way in which we can help to meet the needs of so many in our neighborhood – to do what Jesus would do if he were here in bodily form!


  • And a big “thank you” to all those who helped clean and paint the parsonage and get it ready to rent out! That was a big job – and the rental income we receive will be a boost to our budget needs!  And thanks, as well, to all those who do so much to keep our building and grounds clean, maintained, and looking beautiful!  You don’t often receive the recognition you deserve, but you are loved and appreciated for all you do!


I could go on – and on – but I think you get the point.  This has been a summer of much meaningful activity here at Klamath Falls UMC, and for that we give God our thanks and praise!  So – will we “fall back” now that we have reached the end of summer?  Will we “rest on our oars” and think it’s now time to take a rest?  Not a chance!  God has called us to be in the business of boldly making disciples for Jesus Christ, and the momentum and optimism we have gathered throughout the summer has wonderfully positioned us to give full energy and zeal to that task as we “turn the corner” into the fall season.  There’s never been a better time to be a disciple of Jesus Christ here in this community than right now!


Fasten your seatbelts – it’s going to be a “spring forward” fall!


In Christ’s love – and mine,


Pastor Phil