“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40
Our last PALM Dinner was held on Tuesday, August 16. On Wednesday, August 17, from 5:30 – 7:00, we had a special celebration of PALM. Many who had participated, donated, helped, or just wanted to acknowledge the work of PALM, and especially Vickie and Don, attended. Dinner was provided and there was a special presentation.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church plans to continue to serve a meal at our church once a month. We are hopeful that other churches, organizations, or individuals will also step up to serve. We are currently working out the logistics with Sacred Heart.
A Free Meal that has been served every Tuesday and Sunday for over 15 years.
From 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Meals Served Year of 2022:
Meals Served Month of August:
Sunday, August 14, Sacred Heart Catholic Church served 121 meals of sausage, cheesy potatoes, garlic bread, broccoli salad, and cookies.
Tuesday, August 16, our church served 111 meals of sandwiches, coleslaw, potato salad, watermelon, and desserts.
Please pray for…
-Mary is having stomach surgery.
-Tony has 80% blockage in his aorta and 100% blockage of the veins to his legs. Doctors do not believe he could survive surgery.
-Mike and his wife have some major health issues.
-Holly is on oxygen and needs an assisted living place.
-Chief was hit by a car. He is scraped up but no broken bones. The driver did not stop and was on her phone.
-Johanna needs a place to live.
-Steve is homeless and has many heath issues.
-Pat had a fall off her deck. She landed in rose bushes.
-All our diners and families as PALM changes.
Praise God for PALM!!
We have served as many as 270 dinners at PALM.
Several churches and organizations have taken turns providing the meals with others helping regularly. If your church or group is interested in helping, please contact us at klamathfumc@gmail.com.
Enter from the parking lot along 9th and High Streets.
Community Hosts and Contributors:
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Evangelical Free Church
Nibbley’s Cafe
Holiday Market
Green Blade Grocery
Ongoing Needs:
- Coffee
- Sugar
- Powdered creamer
- Soft margarine
- Salt
- Cookies
- Mayonnaise
- Ranch dressing
- Ziploc bags (all sizes)
May be used, please clean:
- Blankets
- Sleeping bags
- Tarps
- Heavy coats – dark colors are preferred